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Meet Our Family


Angie Leazer

Founder of Sugarbud Fields


Angie's zeal and love of life is the motivating force behind the creation of

Sugarbud Fields.  She lives each day with a deep rooted desire to spread joy

and cultivate meaningful relationships.  Her vision is to create an opportunity for

people to slow down, breathe in the beauty of life and share magical moments

with those they love.  


Justin Leazer


Justin is quick to share his warm smile and kind hearted nature with everyone he meets.  He is happiest when he is outside, whether it be hiking in new and beautiful locations or just at home working on the farm.  Although he works a full time corporate job, he somehow still finds the time to support me & my wild dreaming spirit AND tackle all of the heavy duty farm tasks that I cannot complete alone.   I am amazed by his work ethic and willingness to try his hand at most anything around here.  This place could not operate without his never ending physical and emotional support.



Rylen Leazer


Rylen is the creative spirit in our family.  He is passionate about music, photography, and sports.  His deeply compassionate heart makes him a great friend and amazing son. He has been a constant cheerleader as we jump into this new adventure and we can always count on him for an encouraging word when we need it.  He is not afraid of a little hard labor and is such a big help to us, but mostly loves to be "behind the lens" with so many beautiful photo opportunities around the farm.  

Macie Leazer


Macie has a smile that brightens the lives of all around her.  Her love of animals (especially dogs) runs in every cell of her being.  She loves school, friends, swimming, horses and softball.  Our move to the farm has allowed us to see her carefree spirit fly free!  She can typically be found in rubber boots, stomping in the creek, tending to an animal or riding around the fields for fun... she seems to be made for this.  This little "sugar" is always willing to give a helping hand with anything we need.





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